Monday, December 29, 2014

Best Day Yet!! He is about 90% over the 'drug eruption' - thank goodness! He's taken a lot of baking soda baths, epsom salt baths, vinegar baths, combination baths - he's ready for these baths to be over!! He actually took Nick to work today so he drove for the first time without any other driver in the car. It was like Driver's Training all over again - I was a nervous wreck until I saw the whites of his eyes back home. In the afternoon he drove to the church for an interview he had with someone and made it home safely again so his driving privileges are completely restored!=) Like I said, best. day. yet. On a personal note, we Skyped with our kids/grandkids in Germany which we thoroughly enjoyed! Looking forward to the New Year - let's celebrate!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Doug had a rough night - itched like crazy despite the Benadryl, Caladryl, etc., had night sweats, got up several times for 12 hours but always went back to bed since he was exhausted. Washed 2 windows yesterday and cleaned the screens for them today. He can't believe how out of breath he gets and that he needs to rest after simple tasks. Drives him crazy!=)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Yes, Doug is still alive (even tho no blogging since Tuesday=)). He has to keep reminding himself that recovery time is going to be 3 to 6 months. Patience, patience... Still battling the effects of the drug eruption rash - it is slowly going away. Nights are still a challenge but days are getting better. Doug drove yesterday for the first time since Nov. 24th!! We took a trip up to see Dave & Keri and then to see more Christmas lights. He wasn't real confident in getting driving privileges back due to all the Benadryl and other things going on but he did great. Nick is always watching out for him - making sure Doug has his heart pillow, inspirometer, and water no matter where he is. We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed being with your families.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Today we saw Suzanne (Dr. Sharma's nurse) and she took Doug off aspirin, ambien, and amiodarone to see if the rash will dissipate and provide some relief. He's also been taking baking soda baths and apple cider vinegar baths. (Pickled and/or clean & fresh!?) The rash pretty well covers him, even down to his ankles. He is pretty uncomfortable! I'm making a Caladryl run as we speak! Earlier this evening we enjoyed looking at all the Christmas lights and taking Christmas goodies all around - a fun tradition!

Monday, December 22, 2014

We finally got into a Health clinic this afternoon - Mondays are pretty busy for all the doctors after the weekend, I guess. The second the NP saw Doug's rash she said "This is a classic drug eruption rash!" Since he's on so many prescriptions it's hard to tell which one(s) is/are causing it so he's on 50 mg Benadryl every 6 hours until we see Dr. Sharma's nurse tomorrow at 2. He's pretty uncomfortable as you can imagine but hopefully it won't last long!?!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

I came home from church today and found Doug totally covered in a red hive-type rash - his entire trunk front and back - hardly any skin untouched. He talked to Home Health and they told him to take Benadryl, (that it might make him sleepy) and to call Dr. Sharma in the morning. The funny thing is that he slept for about 3 hours after taking the Benadryl. It doesn't work at night only during the day.=) Dave came over this afternoon so he and Nick could give Doug a blessing. Please keep him in your prayers! It's strange that he would have a reaction to any of the drugs this late in the game but we can't think of anything else that's been different, eaten or otherwise, that could cause this. Maybe he's allergic to walking laps at the church?=)
Doug got a couple of better night's sleep but all good things must come to an end, right? Friday night he just couldn't get comfortable, going from bed to recliner and back again, up and down about 7 times through the night. He has struggled with getting chilled so we have the heat up and he wears a few layers to try and stay warm. He has been resting quite a bit the last couple of days - it may have something to do with walking 5 laps around the church in the morning and then again in the afternoon on Friday.=) and for really the first time since he got home, was experiencing pain last night in the chest area. I think it's hard for him to realize that even when he feels good he still has to take it slowly. A very tough lesson.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Doug is starting to sleep better in the night, 4 hours last night and 6 hours the night before. What a difference some sleep makes. We saw Dr. Burger (cardiologist) yesterday and he was pleased with Doug's progress. We see him again in 6 weeks to talk about starting to wean Doug off coumadin and all the other medications so that'll be something to look forward to! Home Health came today to check Doug's INR levels and check all his vitals. Tonight Dave's family came over for birthday pizza - Nick is 27 today - and we had a fun time. Nick loved his presents, loves his birthday and celebrating it!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sunday night I held my annual Christmas piano recital which went well - all the students did great! Now concentrating on Christmas, it's hard to fit everything in so excuse the 'blog' tardiness. Doug is resting a lot because his nights are still rough. He touches base with the office daily - tries to help out as much as he can from home. He also does quite a bit of church work, on the phone and on the computer, so his days are full - I just don't tell you everything.=) His brother Jon dropped in yesterday for a visit so that was nice. Today we have our first appointment with the cardiologist since the surgery so we'll let you know how that goes! Just feeling overwhelmed at the moment!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Friday = Doug said Thursday was a better night for him - I just laid there all night - so frustrating! Maybe I need to borrow some Ambien.=) Physical therapists came today and wore Doug out again - they want him to repeat the exercises 3 times a day - morning, noon and night. We went to the church so Doug could walk around the gym for 20 minutes and then drove out to see the Christmas lights at the Trees. They have amazing lights - they put up thousands - so it's a tradition to go see them every year. Saturday = He is still coughing a lot - his pillow is always nearby.=) You can tell he's lost weight, he still wears out easily and takes several naps during the day. He worked on our Christmas letter today while Nick and I did a little Christmas shopping! He has a great appetite which is a good thing - eats all day and still loses weight - something's wrong with this picture. Why can't that be MY diet plan?!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Guess what the side effects of Benadryl are? Very restless legs. So anyone need some Benadryl?=) We have enough for an army. Doug saw Suzanne today, Dr. Sharma's nurse practitioner, and she did not want him to take Percocet or Benadryl to help him sleep because they both have side effects and/or other uses. She prescribed Ambien so hopefully tonight will be full of peaceful slumber. She also said he could be home alone now! a couple days sooner than we'd been told in the hospital. I'm freeeee!hahaha Now I can drive Nick to work and go on a chocolate run when needed.=) Doug will be allowed to drive come December 25th (I don't think we'll be going anywhere that day but we'll see); he should still only lift 5# per arm until January 5th then he can up it to 10#. After Feb. 5th there are no weight# restrictions; he shouldn't go into public until after the first of the year. He still wears out pretty easily so that should be easy to obey. He actually has been very good at listening to his body and resting when he should. The Home Health nurse came by to check his vitals and cumadin levels which need to be monitored often so he's not getting too much or too little. His is at 2.4 which is pretty perfect so we're happy about that. Since his blood pressure has been like 96 over 57 they are lowering the dose of the blood pressure meds to twice a day versus three times so that's also good news. But the best news is he does not need someone with him 24/7 anymore.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Doug had another sleepless night even with Percocet so tonight we're trying Benadryl! I hope it helps because I bought it at Costco which means we have a good supply. Yes, 'I escaped' for 2 hours today when Karl Hendricks came to visit and then when he left our neighbor Dolly came over until I got home. It was nice to get some errands done. Unfortunately, couldn't get them all done today but Dolly said she'd stay with Doug again on Friday so I could finish. My Christmas Recital is Sunday night and there's lots to do to get ready!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Doug went back to bed this morning by 9:30 - he was really tired today. He didn't even shower until tonight - that says a lot! Home Health nurse came to take his vitals, etc. around lunchtime, he took his 20 minute walk around the house (wearing out the carpet), then napped a little more. Going to bed early tonight! Sorry so short - love ya!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Wasi, a new physical therapist from Home Health came today and made Doug work on balance and strength. He has been tuckered out ever since - took a couple of naps. Wasi emphasized that Doug will feel better each day but still needs to be careful for several weeks, not lifting arms above his head, nothing more than 5 lbs (or a milk jug), not swinging his arms back or forward, etc. He was very impressed that Doug was up and dressed - all the other people he saw today were not.=) He was also impressed at what good shape Doug's in, how his incision is looking, and his attitude. So I guess it's a good thing that Doug is self-motivated and self-disciplined, and that he has a wife who takes good care of him!=)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

It's been a very low-key, restful Sabbath. He needed more rest today because of so much happening yesterday, it took it's toll. His main trial right now is breathing, feeling out of breath, running out of breath while talking, etc... We appreciated dear sister Laurie Benske chauffeuring Nick back and forth to church and letting him sit with her in Sacrament meeting. Such a big help and blessing to us. Loved the Christmas Devotional, and being able to watch it in our home an added bonus! Beautiful music and powerful messages! We are so grateful for the birth of our Savior all year round but especially in this special Christmas season. Love to you all!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sorry I didn't have time to post yesterday. Thursday night was rough - Doug didn't sleep all night. We contacted Home Health Friday morning and they said to take 1 Percocet before bed to help with his sleeping. He slept much better last night so he'll be doing that for awhile. The nurse also said that not sleeping well was normal for open heart patients because the thought of the surgery does a number on your psychee(sp?) - knowing that your breastbone is sawn clear through, that your heart was stopped, etc. Many suffer nightmares and other problems so that was interesting to know and also very understandable. Last evening our good friend Dennis came and visited with Doug while I took Nick and our neighbor Dolly to The Nativity production at the church. There are only 3 different performances so I was glad we were able to go! Today the physical therapist came, went through our house to make sure it's safe (embarrassing), checked Doug's strength and balance, gave him exercises to do, and stressed the importance of good posture so he heals correctly. She was impressed by both his strength and his balance and what good shape he's in. So many heart patients have never exercised, have poor habits, etc. and are a real struggle to work with so she seemed thrilled to work with Doug and said they probably only need to come 1 or 2 days a week.=) As soon as she left an old friend, Dwaine Lee, stopped in for a visit. He lives in Nebraska so he's a ways from home.=) Keri and Andrew came to 'grandpa-sit' soon after so I could go get groceries and get other errands done. Trying to get errands done quickly on the first Saturday of December? Not the brightest idea I ever had! So, thanks, Keri and Andrew, for staying so long while I made my way through throngs of people. Because of so many things going on today it's been a productive and very tiring day, especially for Doug - not as many times to rest. Tomorrow will truly be a day of rest.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Memorial Home Health came today, ordered by Dr. Sharma (the surgeon). Their nurses will check Doug's cumadin levels, give any care or help he could need in the next few weeks, and physical therapy. Very nice nurse named Rosemary - we invited her to the Nativity at the church along with all the Cardiac unit nurses, and Dr. Burger's staff - left invitations with all of them! It's always so amazing I wish everyone could take the chance to see and experience it. Doug is still only sleeping about 4 hours a night. He'll rest in bed for awhile and then get in the recliner and finally sleep. We're hoping he gets his sleep pattern back - he never slept in the hospital so he's pretty off track in the sleep department. He's still pretty pale and weak, short of breath. Keeps working on his inspirometer(sp?) hourly. So many good friends have helped with food or ferried Nick around or brought homemade bread 'just because' or a beautiful poinsettia! You are all amazing and we love and appreciate you and all your prayers so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

We said goodby to mom and dad today with tears in our eyes. They've been such an amazing support and help to us the last 2 weeks, we couldn't have done this without them! We will miss them like crazy!! Doug had his first outing today as I had to drive him to the doctor's to have his cumadin(sp?) level in his blood checked. I felt like his chauffeur since he has to sit in the back seat, away from the airbag, for I think 2 weeks, maybe more.=) The outing pretty much wore him out. (Sometimes he has to sit down after walking just from our bedroom to the living room before he can continue to the family room.) His level was 2 and they want it to be 2.5 - 3.5. It actually is rat poison designed to kill the Vitamin K in his system. The doctor actually said that! I am counting down the days to when we can say 'bye-bye' to Warfarin.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Doug feels a little like that song from Janeen Brady's "Courage"; "Take 1 step forward and 2 steps back and you've made a little progress".=) This morning we made a little mistake with one of the pills (heart rhythm & blood pressure med) which is supposed to be 1 every 8 hours around the clock - 6am, 2pm, 10 pm - but somehow he took one at 6am and 1 at 8am. I called the Cardiac Unit immediately, they said to watch him, take his blood pressure and heart rate often, drink lots of fluids, If the blood pressure went under 90 or heart rate 60 or under, get to the ER. Well I was a wreck, we had family prayer, and then watched, waited, and drank lots of water. This medicine is to keep your blood pressure low so if you take too much that's why it could be serious. He did amazingly fine, a real tender mercy from our Heavenly Father. We made some major adjustments to how we are handling all these meds! I'm so thankful all ended well. Since we have hardwood floors he has to wear tennis shoes for safety reasons, even the rubber soled slippers were too slippery. He also is to have his heart pillow with him at all times for protection which he has learned he really needs; when he needs to cough or someone makes him laugh, if he doesn't have it with him it's very painful! He walked around the house today for 15 minutes - one of the post-surgery exercises, every day the first week, then we add 5 minutes a week for the next 6 weeks. He's very good at including the many breathing exercises to keep his lungs clear, reducing the chance of pneumonia. Several sweet friends brought us a yummy dinner tonight which was very appreciated and so helpful - love you all!!! Don't feel bad if Doug doesn't hug you - he physically can't - it kills! Fist bumps and high fives will have to do for now.=)

Monday, December 1, 2014

It's been a very busy day for nurse Kim.=) Doug did have the best night he's had in a week so that was good. Towards dinner time though he started feeling very awful so he asked Dave to come over and give him a blessing. He's feeling better now. We came home from the hospital with lots of instructions and 7 bottles of pills! Keeping all of it straight and making sure he's getting the meds at the right time is quite a process! Tomorrow is another day - thank goodness!=)

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Doug had a better night, no Afib for 24 hours, but a couple of times he passed out briefly when his heart stopped for 3 seconds each. Now he knows the wisdom of not driving for a few weeks and having someone with him 24/7 for the next 2 weeks. We brought him home around 3 or so this afternoon and he is in his own bed resting. We're so grateful for all the staff in the Cardiac Unit up at Yakima Regional - they were phenomenal! Doug received excellent care and we got to meet some exceptional people we never would have met otherwise. We have also felt the prayers of so many and appreciate them so much. It never fails to amaze me that there is a silver lining in every situation. Now the fun begins!=)

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Doing better this afternoon and evening, took a couple of strolls, getting up is still tricky but getting better with each try. We're praying for a good night so he can finally join us at home.=)
A long sleepless night of atrial fibrillation left Doug so tired and weak he had to bargain with the nurse to eat breakfast in bed versus getting up and moving to his chair. Nick and I went up to visit around 11:30, ate lunch with him and then played Mexican Train game, with Gr & Gr Veteto joining us.=) We left him to rest by about 2:30 and hopefully he got some. He wants us to come back later. Dr. Sharma said if he gets his Afib under control he can come home tomorrow. Please pray for him - he can't wait to get into his own bed!!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Doug is exhausted tonight after a long day of visitors, getting his chest tube & catheter removed, learning how to shower and dress. After all that he was too tired to go on a walk, felt shaky and 'overdone'. The nurses said Dr. Sharma might not release him until Monday. Please pray that he can get some sleep tonight!
Dr. Sharma just came in and said it might be Sunday or Monday before Doug goes home so we'll see. Doug's still hoping for tomorrow because the bed is so uncomfortable he just rests, never sleeps. He has to breathe into this incentive spirometer ten times an hour to keep his lungs clear of pneumonia. At first it was to help clear the lungs of the anethesia. He is now free of all tubes - he feels like a free man!
Good news! Doug gets to come home sometime tomorrow (Saturday)! They just took out the chest tube so he has to lay flat for an hour. Then out comes the catheter so he can walk around 'tube free'! We'll also be learning how to care for him at home for the next few weeks. I must admit I'm a wee bit scared. Thank goodness I'm feeling better and have my parents here - I don't know how I could've got through this past week without them. They are amazing!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Doug's heart has settled down to the 90's so he went on his first walk down the hall this evening. He's still on an IV, catheter and the chest tube. My dad and I came back to watch the Seahawks with him - hopefully Fisherman's Friend will keep me coughfree for the whole game.=)
We made it up to Doug's -I haven't coughed, knock on wood. He had to be put back on some IV's and is having some irregular heartbeat problems. They're keeping an eye on it. He's sitting up in a chair ready for his turkey dinner! He's feeling flushed in the face but cold in his core.
Doug's getting stronger every day! My dad said he "looked a lot better than he did yesterday!" He's eating 'real' food now, no more green jello, juice, broth, and herbal tea! (this post was for Wednesday but I didn't click on 'publish' - oops!)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Doug had a much better night - rested more. Today is the hard day - Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy - they have to teach him how to put on his clothes, how to take a shower, how to get out of bed, out of a chair, with his incision for the next several weeks - he has to be very careful so he doesn't end up having to go back in. I've been dealing with a horrible cough which has gotten worse so they don't want me to come in today,=( so my dad is going in my place. Thank goodness my parents are here! They've been a tremendous help in so many ways including ferrying Nick back & forth to work! Love them so much!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Doug has a new best friend! We haven't named it yet but its a fairly large heart shaped pillow. He hugs it to help with the pain of breathing, moving, coughing, sneezing, etc. It helps to protect the incision and from ripping the wire sutures out which would be very bad. Around 4 today they got him up and he walked a few steps and sat up in a chair for about 3 hours. It was quite the ordeal getting him back in bed amongst all the tubing and everything he's hooked up to! Tomorrow they say will be the hardest day partly because he'll be so tired and because he'll have to get up and sit up 3 different times! Thank you for all your prayers! We're feeling them!
Last night a good friend Dennis Apken stayed with Doug which gave us all more peace. Of mind. He has gone to nursing school so he knows a lot about caring for patients. Doug had a rough night- not much sleep - but is alert and oriented this morning and able to carry on a good conversation. Pres. Hendricks came by and gave him a blessing while he was here to help him be less anxious and get more rest. We feel blessed and grateful to have such loving, caring friends.
Hi, this is mom/grandma Veteto writing: I was amazed at what they can do now days. Doug was bleeding and the blood was going into a bag...a person came in, hooked him up to a machine along with his blood, it spun 4000 X per second purifying it and then they put it back into him. Wow! that was so good to see using your own blood instead of someone elses.

Monday, November 24, 2014

It was hard to leave Doug tonight. Hard to see him all hooked up, uncomfortable, going through all the 'normal' (they tell me) after surgery 'things'. Even though he's not 'all there', not really able to focus because of the pressure and pain, he still has his sense of humor. Dave and I were by his bedside, trying to be of help, he's wincing in pain and flexing his hand so we asked if his hand felt swollen and he whispered, "Un poco" and Dave said 'what?' "Un poco". Dave asked "are you speaking Spanish?" "Si."=) And then when all these beepers started going off, he said, "I'm wired for sound."=) We are very happy with the care he's getting - everyone has been amazing!! The hospital should, however, invest in a bed for tall people.
Doug is having a hard time coming out of the anethesia - is very agitated - I haven't been allowed to see him yet. Please keep those prayers coming!
Thank you so much for all your faith and prayers, putting his name in the temple, fasting, all your love -it means so much to us.
Doug is off the heart-lung machine and being sewn up! Surgery went super well an finished quicker than planned. The OR nurse showed us pictures of the before and after - surgery was definitely needed - made a huge difference. I'll try to see if I can get copies to post them for you. The next 24 hours are critical - they will monitor him closely for bleeding, etc. He is now in ICU.

Heart Cath

On Friday Doug came through the heart cath with flying Colors. It revealed exactly whet we knew needed to be done: aneurysm repair and valve replacement. We are so impressed with Dr. Burger and so glad he's Doug's cardiologist. All the nurses and employees were excellent. And so helpful and so accommodating. The procedure was done through the wrist and up through the heart. I was shocked when they came to get me after 25 minutes! They had to keep pressure on the artery and watch him for about 4 hours. After being in bed for 2 hours Doug started getting restless "this is killing my backside!" I can't imagine trying to keep him down the next few weeks! After we got home, ate lunch and rested a few minutes he announced he was going to the office for a few hours! No rest for the wicked!=)

Monday, November 17, 2014

This blog is for friends and family that want updates on Doug's Open Heart surgery scheduled for Monday, November 24th.  It will be easier for everyone versus phone calls, etc.!=)  We'll keep it updated daily for a few weeks starting on Monday after surgery.