Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sorry I didn't have time to post yesterday. Thursday night was rough - Doug didn't sleep all night. We contacted Home Health Friday morning and they said to take 1 Percocet before bed to help with his sleeping. He slept much better last night so he'll be doing that for awhile. The nurse also said that not sleeping well was normal for open heart patients because the thought of the surgery does a number on your psychee(sp?) - knowing that your breastbone is sawn clear through, that your heart was stopped, etc. Many suffer nightmares and other problems so that was interesting to know and also very understandable. Last evening our good friend Dennis came and visited with Doug while I took Nick and our neighbor Dolly to The Nativity production at the church. There are only 3 different performances so I was glad we were able to go! Today the physical therapist came, went through our house to make sure it's safe (embarrassing), checked Doug's strength and balance, gave him exercises to do, and stressed the importance of good posture so he heals correctly. She was impressed by both his strength and his balance and what good shape he's in. So many heart patients have never exercised, have poor habits, etc. and are a real struggle to work with so she seemed thrilled to work with Doug and said they probably only need to come 1 or 2 days a week.=) As soon as she left an old friend, Dwaine Lee, stopped in for a visit. He lives in Nebraska so he's a ways from home.=) Keri and Andrew came to 'grandpa-sit' soon after so I could go get groceries and get other errands done. Trying to get errands done quickly on the first Saturday of December? Not the brightest idea I ever had! So, thanks, Keri and Andrew, for staying so long while I made my way through throngs of people. Because of so many things going on today it's been a productive and very tiring day, especially for Doug - not as many times to rest. Tomorrow will truly be a day of rest.

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