Thursday, December 4, 2014

Memorial Home Health came today, ordered by Dr. Sharma (the surgeon). Their nurses will check Doug's cumadin levels, give any care or help he could need in the next few weeks, and physical therapy. Very nice nurse named Rosemary - we invited her to the Nativity at the church along with all the Cardiac unit nurses, and Dr. Burger's staff - left invitations with all of them! It's always so amazing I wish everyone could take the chance to see and experience it. Doug is still only sleeping about 4 hours a night. He'll rest in bed for awhile and then get in the recliner and finally sleep. We're hoping he gets his sleep pattern back - he never slept in the hospital so he's pretty off track in the sleep department. He's still pretty pale and weak, short of breath. Keeps working on his inspirometer(sp?) hourly. So many good friends have helped with food or ferried Nick around or brought homemade bread 'just because' or a beautiful poinsettia! You are all amazing and we love and appreciate you and all your prayers so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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