Monday, November 24, 2014

It was hard to leave Doug tonight. Hard to see him all hooked up, uncomfortable, going through all the 'normal' (they tell me) after surgery 'things'. Even though he's not 'all there', not really able to focus because of the pressure and pain, he still has his sense of humor. Dave and I were by his bedside, trying to be of help, he's wincing in pain and flexing his hand so we asked if his hand felt swollen and he whispered, "Un poco" and Dave said 'what?' "Un poco". Dave asked "are you speaking Spanish?" "Si."=) And then when all these beepers started going off, he said, "I'm wired for sound."=) We are very happy with the care he's getting - everyone has been amazing!! The hospital should, however, invest in a bed for tall people.


  1. So glad to hear the great news! Love that his great sense of humor is shining through!

  2. happy to hear his sense of humor is still intact :-) he always has a way of making me laugh! Sorry you had to leave him last night I can't even imagine how hard that must have been.I will keep those prayers coming!

  3. Thinking of you...praying! Love hearing about his sense of humor:) love you ��
