Monday, January 12, 2015

It's been a busy week with doctor and dental appts, Doug began cardiac rehab 3 days a week(M,T,Th), piano students started up again, with 4 new ones! Doug still struggles getting more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep at night so he definitely needs prayers in that area. Everything else is looking good. Dr. Sharma's nurse (Suzanne) is very pleased with his healing process but really doesn't want him going to work until Jan. 25th (60 day mark). He has gone in to the office a few times for just a few hours at a time, never a whole day. He has also gone to church the last couple of weeks, never more than 6 hours so at least half of what he used to do. Ward Conferences started yesterday so it's a busy time of year for the Stake Presidency. Still resting when he needs to and recognising when he's overdone so that's progress.=) Suzanne told him if he's tired that means he overdid so that woke him up!=) He hasn't gone into a store or public yet (besides church) which Suzanne said is good because the flu is pretty rampant in Yakima right now and he can't afford to get the flu, especially because his heart valve and new parts are not completely healed over yet. Stronger and making progress every day!!!

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