Monday, January 12, 2015

It's been a busy week with doctor and dental appts, Doug began cardiac rehab 3 days a week(M,T,Th), piano students started up again, with 4 new ones! Doug still struggles getting more than 2 or 3 hours of sleep at night so he definitely needs prayers in that area. Everything else is looking good. Dr. Sharma's nurse (Suzanne) is very pleased with his healing process but really doesn't want him going to work until Jan. 25th (60 day mark). He has gone in to the office a few times for just a few hours at a time, never a whole day. He has also gone to church the last couple of weeks, never more than 6 hours so at least half of what he used to do. Ward Conferences started yesterday so it's a busy time of year for the Stake Presidency. Still resting when he needs to and recognising when he's overdone so that's progress.=) Suzanne told him if he's tired that means he overdid so that woke him up!=) He hasn't gone into a store or public yet (besides church) which Suzanne said is good because the flu is pretty rampant in Yakima right now and he can't afford to get the flu, especially because his heart valve and new parts are not completely healed over yet. Stronger and making progress every day!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lots going on and less time to blog.=) Doug is still liking the days more than the nights. Even though the rash is visibly gone he will still have episodes of itching like crazy. During the night he had to take a baking soda bath to help make it stop. He doesn't really get very much sleep and will keep going back to bed, sometimes until 10 am. He is getting stronger every day, adding more to his schedule, lifting heavier things, and being more physically active like carrying the recycling to the car, lifting it out, doing lots of chores around the house, went to the office for a couple hours yesterday, driving to the church to do laps, etc. Each day he'll have new pain from exercising new muscles (which he thinks is pathetic=)) but I tell him it's progress! It's been nice having him around so I am kind of dreading 'real life' starting again.=)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Best Day Yet!! He is about 90% over the 'drug eruption' - thank goodness! He's taken a lot of baking soda baths, epsom salt baths, vinegar baths, combination baths - he's ready for these baths to be over!! He actually took Nick to work today so he drove for the first time without any other driver in the car. It was like Driver's Training all over again - I was a nervous wreck until I saw the whites of his eyes back home. In the afternoon he drove to the church for an interview he had with someone and made it home safely again so his driving privileges are completely restored!=) Like I said, best. day. yet. On a personal note, we Skyped with our kids/grandkids in Germany which we thoroughly enjoyed! Looking forward to the New Year - let's celebrate!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Doug had a rough night - itched like crazy despite the Benadryl, Caladryl, etc., had night sweats, got up several times for 12 hours but always went back to bed since he was exhausted. Washed 2 windows yesterday and cleaned the screens for them today. He can't believe how out of breath he gets and that he needs to rest after simple tasks. Drives him crazy!=)

Friday, December 26, 2014

Yes, Doug is still alive (even tho no blogging since Tuesday=)). He has to keep reminding himself that recovery time is going to be 3 to 6 months. Patience, patience... Still battling the effects of the drug eruption rash - it is slowly going away. Nights are still a challenge but days are getting better. Doug drove yesterday for the first time since Nov. 24th!! We took a trip up to see Dave & Keri and then to see more Christmas lights. He wasn't real confident in getting driving privileges back due to all the Benadryl and other things going on but he did great. Nick is always watching out for him - making sure Doug has his heart pillow, inspirometer, and water no matter where he is. We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and enjoyed being with your families.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Today we saw Suzanne (Dr. Sharma's nurse) and she took Doug off aspirin, ambien, and amiodarone to see if the rash will dissipate and provide some relief. He's also been taking baking soda baths and apple cider vinegar baths. (Pickled and/or clean & fresh!?) The rash pretty well covers him, even down to his ankles. He is pretty uncomfortable! I'm making a Caladryl run as we speak! Earlier this evening we enjoyed looking at all the Christmas lights and taking Christmas goodies all around - a fun tradition!

Monday, December 22, 2014

We finally got into a Health clinic this afternoon - Mondays are pretty busy for all the doctors after the weekend, I guess. The second the NP saw Doug's rash she said "This is a classic drug eruption rash!" Since he's on so many prescriptions it's hard to tell which one(s) is/are causing it so he's on 50 mg Benadryl every 6 hours until we see Dr. Sharma's nurse tomorrow at 2. He's pretty uncomfortable as you can imagine but hopefully it won't last long!?!